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Sunset Cliffs

I know, I know it's been almost two years since I last posted a photograph or entry on here. My life has just been kind of hectic and some different priorities took place. The good news is I'm going to start posting photos again, the bad news, not as often as I used too but I hope that at least one or two a week can be an attainable level for me. 

So where is this you may ask, well it's in San Diego and and it's a park at the end of an area known as Sunset Cliffs. It's a pretty beautiful place to go and watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. I was in a Cisco class this week in San Diego for work, so I thought "What could be better than watching the sun go down over the ocean?' The answer, not much really, so I dragged my camera out and this was the outcome. I hope you all like it.

Oh and remember if you like one of my photos feel free to use it as your background or share it on a site with a mention of my site. Just no commercial use without permission from me.

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