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Segments of the Moon

Thought I'd post something a little different today, but first a question. Have you ever tried to take a photograph of the moon? If the answer is yes then you'll know how tough it is. If the answer is no then I'll tell you how tough it is....TOUGH!!!!! Finally I took a night photography class and got some tips from my instructor. I'll tell you what the advice is:


  1. Get the moon early in it's rise before it gets too bright. Once it gets bright it's a tough photograph to get
  2. Set you camera on manual
  3. Set your ISO (ASA) to 100
  4. Set your shutter speed to 1/200th of a second
  5. Set you aperture to f11


Once you have that setup go ahead and shoot and there is a good chance you will get a photograph like the one above. There was still daylight when this was taken, but it was so underexposed to get the moon right, that the sky looks black.

I was amazed what I saw after I got this photograph home and on my computer. The moon looks like it has segments that lead to a navel, like an orange.



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Reader Comments (1)

Martin, well and good you give the F-stop and the shutter speed, but what about the other factor that determines exposure? That would be the ISO or for the film guys ASA. Can you update your post with the ISO. Probably 200 or 400 I would assume. Thank you for another wonderful photograph.

September 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJames Dunn

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