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Golf and My Friend PJ

So yesterday afternoon I got to go out and play some golf, one of my other hobbies. I went to a very pretty course in Temecula called Redhawk. This photograph is of the green at the 8th hole. I didn't play so well on this hole hitting my first ball into the water and eventually scoring a 5 on a par 3 hole. Like most of the hobbies I get into I cannot do them by half measures and golf was no exception. I took lessons, bought good equipment, learnt how to build my own clubs and slowly I get better. Golf is a game that teaches you patience and humility, because just as you think you've worked out how to play it, the golf gods will come and you'll feel like you have never held a golf club in your life. Personally I never really had much desire to play golf, then about 4 years ago a very good friend called PJ got me to go out and play. PJ sadly passed away in February and we never got to play all the courses that we had plans to play at. We even wanted to travel to Scotland to play some of the famous courses from the home of golf. I miss PJ though as he was my golf buddy, it's just not the same without him. Every time I play, at some point in the round I'll think of PJ and wish he was there, enjoying the weather, the frustrations, the laughs, the bad shots and always the good shots.

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Reader Comments (2)

No doubt PJ witnessed that ball in the water and had a good chuckle....

August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

Thanks Dawn, that made me happy. Martin. XOXOX

August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMartin

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